Why is it imperative to treat your brand like it’s a luxury brand?

Because it IS a luxury brand.  

Often in the high-end home product and service industry, even if you have premium products or services, you’re selling them like they’re a commodity. But that’s not how you reach affluent buyers. 

The term “luxury” doesn’t just have to apply to cars, clothing, or wine. If you’ve got high quality products or services, you have a luxury brand. You just have to start treating it like one.  

Luxury brands market differently – they’re not marketing to everybody with a wallet. They focus on affluent buyers – those buyers who have ample disposable income, who are less likely to be affected by economic changes, and who tend to be a more profitable customer. They showcase quality, experience, and exclusivity.  

So even products like those in the home industry that you may tend to think of as more utilitarian – gazebos, flooring, cabinetry – suddenly turn into luxury brands with the right forethought from you at the top.  

Let’s look at three ways you can flip the script on this problem:  

Create a luxury experience

Think of buying a car from a big-box dealership. Your sales person may be pleasant, and the showroom likely clean. You may find a car that’s in great shape with low miles. Did it satisfy a need? Sure. But that EXPERIENCE is far from one to write home about. Now think about walking into a luxury dealership. From the moment you arrive, you are immersed in an experience that exceeds your expectations. The salespeople dress differently. They may ask if you’d like a glass of wine. Their chairs are made of quality leather. From start to finish, it’s not just the car that sells the idea of luxury. It’s the experience.   

Ultimately, the average car dealership and the luxury dealership are selling the same thing – a mode of transportation. You can just as easily get to work in used Honda Civic as you can in a BMW 8 series. And sure – you’re paying substantially more for the BMW – it has a better engine, premium leather, more horsepower – but you’re ALSO paying for the experience. You know when you walk into that BMW dealership that you’re going to be treated like the most important customer in the world. That is the difference between price and value.  

Think of the experience your customers have when they’re getting information or purchasing from you. If they’re coming into a showroom, are you offering them a beverage? Is the showroom clean, well lit, and are your team members friendly and accommodating? If your sales team is speaking with them on the phone, are they courteous, asking questions and complimenting the style of the product the customer has selected? How are your salespeople not just meeting, but EXCEEDING expectations? 

If you train your sales team to think of themselves as selling a LUXURY product, your ideal affluent buyers will start to take notice.

Promote customization

Now let’s look at another way to create a luxury brand – customization. Many high-end home product and service businesses are selling completely bespoke items, customized for each end user. And while yes, your sales team is mentioning this, are they really honing in on it?  

Affluent buyers place a high value on customization. It’s why they get fitted for a new suit by a tailor, rather than buying off the rack. Will both suits fit? Yes. But one suit will fit PERFECTLY while giving them bragging rights with their friends and colleagues, and they’re willing to pay more for that. Substantially more.  

If you’re selling a product that is completely customized to the user – whether that’s shutters, cabinetry, or closet systems – your customization options need to be front and center. You need to hang your hat on them. You need to use words like “bespoke.” It shows that your products aren’t a commodity – they’re a premium, and they’re worth the extra cost.  

Invest in high-quality visuals

Finally, let’s talk about one of the best, most effective ways to position your products as luxury products – high-quality visuals.  

Affluent buyers don’t just LIKE high-quality visuals, they EXPECT them. If you’re not investing in professional photography for your products, this should be the number one item on your to-do list to discuss with your team. 

A picture paints a thousand words, whether you’re selling copper gutters, stair railings and systems, or even solar panels – showing them in a luxury setting sets you up to be noticed by the affluent buyer – and added to their consideration set.  

You should have photos with and without people. And those people? You guessed it – they should be professional models. I’m not saying you have to invest in Heidi Klum to showcase those copper gutters (although it certainly wouldn’t hurt!), but there is a huge difference in people who know how to pose for the camera and those who don’t. You can find professional models in almost every market in America.  

Taking your brand from utilizing amateur photos shot by an intern with an iPhone, to professionally shot and edited photos will showcase your products and services in a luxury light, command a higher price, and get you noticed. 

Let’s Recap

Being able to change your mindset from offering your product or service as a commodity to a luxury item is a key first step to getting found by affluent buyers.  

You do this through: 

  1. Creating a luxury experience for your customers via your sales team.
  2. Promoting your customization early and often.
  3. Investing in high-quality visuals. 

If you’re ready to start treating your brand like a luxury brand, we’re here to help. Script Marketing helps luxury outdoor products and services find, target, and talk to affluent buyers so they can make more sales.  


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More Resources

Mastering and Maximizing customer reviews and word of mouth marketing, a blog post by Script Marketing
Mastering and Maximizing customer reviews and word of mouth marketing, a podcast by Script Marketing
Maximizing Meta Ads for selling to affluent buyers, a podcast by Script Marketing
Maximizing Meta Ads for selling to affluent buyers, a blog post by Script Marketing
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